Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Are You Digitized?

Written May 22

As we hurtle down the information superhighway to our futures a digital marketers, the question arises: how digitized are you? In a recent study, Scarborough Research says that only 6% of Americans can be considered Digitally Savvy. Eighteen hi-tech consumer behaviors and purchasing patterns were identified and isolated within their national study. Those consumers who satisfied eight or more of them were considered Digitally Savvy. I've listed the 18 behaviors below. I'd love to hear how many of you would classify as Digitally Savvy (be honest).

  • PDA
  • DVR
  • Satellite Radio
  • VOIP
  • MP3
  • HDTV
  • Online banking/bill paying
  • Blogging
  • Gaming
  • Dowload podcasts
  • Download/listen to audio
  • Download/watch video
  • Instant messaging
  • Download ringtones/video games
  • Email messaging (instant, picture, text)
  • Stream video
  • Access internet from cell/PDA
Editor's note: In my opinion, simply "trying" some of these behaviors (downloading a podcast once) does not constitute a "yes" in this survey. These behaviors need to be an on-going part of your daily life.

Are you digitized??

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