Monday, December 8, 2008

The Future is...Yesterday!

I have been on extended hiatus from this blog...for no other reason than, well, I have.

I have a full notebook of stuff to riff on. But I want to come out of the blocks with a piece that I'm sure many of you have seen. It is incredibly powerful...almost scary powerful.

It was produced by Sony and is called "Did You Know"

Watch it. Watch it again. I've already watched it three times (no, not during working hours).

What is most frightening, I suppose, is the thought that our kids and our education system are simply behind...and behind in a way that makes me realize that we will likely, never catch up. Here's a stat: India has more honor (high IQ) kids than the U.S. has kids!

Anybody out there have any thoughts on this.

If so, I'd like to get them... yesterday!

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