Sunday, January 25, 2009

Are You a Twirgin?

I love to listen to people talk about Twitter.  There are three camps:

1) Twitter has changed my life and is the best thing I've ever experienced.

2) Twitter is stupid, brainless and a complete waste of my valuable time.

3) I'm curious about Twitter, but haven't gotten up the courage to try it.

Relatively speaking, I probably fall into the third camp, the group I call Twirgins.  

I have been Twittering for a month or so.  I update occasionally.  Maybe once a day.  I typically update if I find an article that is interesting and I want to share it.  This is probably where I find the most value out of Twitter:  having people I follow uncover interesting pieces of information that would otherwise sneak by me.  I heard someone refer to Twitter as "my personal A.P."  I agree with that definition.

The problem with being a Twirgin is that I occasionally slip into the second category above after reading a stream of chatter about what people are doing at that moment.  This is the self indulgent aspect of Twitter that I haven't been able to understand.  Why should I be interested in what you're having for dinner that night?  

I like Twitter and continue to find different ways to use it.  I found an interesting video when I Googled "Why I use Twitter."  

R.U. a Twirgin??

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